These manuals are provided FREE OF CHARGE from "" as a service to the amateur radio community. If you need to operate, repair, calibrate, or enjoy this product, a manual may be helpful. They were uploaded because they were not available from the original manufacturer, and only low resolution and/or incomplete copies (if any) were available on the web.

  If you paid anyone for this manual, you paid someone who is making a profit from the free labor of others without asking their permission.

  In particular, Heathkit manuals were available in abundance from BAMA and other sites. Someone allegedly owning the rights caused all of those to be deleted from the web with threats of legal action. A valuable resource was lost to those who celebrate older technology and love to use it and repair it. Subsequently, almost nothing related to Heathkit amateur radio products has been posted by this person. There are some partial manuals available from one courageous web site. Please appreciate the manuals that are still available. Please do not abuse the privilege of sharing these obsolete product manuals.

  Efforts have been made to verify that the information is not available elsewhere and no copyright infringement has occurred. If you own the rights to this manual, please contact me. If you insist, I will remove it. But for pete's sake, make the complete original manual available!

  You may pass on copies of these manuals to anyone who needs it. But please do so without charge.


  • I am retired. I derive no compensation from articles on this web site.
  • I do not get paid by anyone for any equipment reviews posted here.
  • Any calculators or software offered here are free of charge.
  • Any equipment modifications are offered with the understanding that YOU have the technical competence to evaluate the appropriateness for your use, and the ability to properly install them. You also are responsible for any safety measures necessary to operation of your station.
    • You assume all responsibility for the operation, repair or alteration of your property.
    • There is NO responsibility on MY part for your decision to adopt suggestions or the consequences thereof.
    • NO warranty or representation of proper operation is expressed or implied.
  • You are responsible for FCC and code compliance for your station, including, but not limited to, electrical and RF safety measures.
  • The original purpose of this web site was to distribute technical information useful to the ham radio community. By circumstances beyond my control, I have had to revise that mission statement.
    • I am not a political lobbyist or officer or member of any organization with that goal.
    • The opinions posted are mine alone.
  • FCC actions which impact the amateur radio community are posted in the context of  "you may wish to file your own comments about these matters."
  • I have no agenda other than the preservation of the true nature of amateur radio as set forth in Part 97.1, and sharing its enjoyment and usefulness with others.
  • Powerful forces ARE attempting to fundamentally transform amateur radio into a commercial personal messaging service.
  • I support the use of amateur radio resources for legitimate emergency communications and disaster relief by government agencies and NGO relief work.
  • You accept all liabilities and consequences for whatever you file as reply comments or any other action you choose to take.